Once upon a time...

A little girl from a gloriously dysfunctional background in the deepest fried pocket of Mississippi grew up dreaming of becoming a writer, and after years of writing and creating for others, thought it was finally time to bring her original stories and creations to life.

The little girl is me all grown up (kind of) and this brand is the result.

Imagination was my lifeline growing up and I've turned my passion into Femme Faction, a place for all things women.

These days, I get my kicks crafting gritty, nihilistic worlds populated by morally-ambiguous characters you can't help but perversely root for, even as they spiral down ever darkening paths.

Then I dangle them over the abyss of ruin with stakes so high utter failure seems inevitable.

Wait, am I still talking about a character?

Me and Sassy

Founding Members


Why an online boutique?

In the entertainment industry, I've worn many hats—from writing to producing content and everything in between. I love creating and have hundreds of design ideas and quotes up my sleeve.

I'm also big on doing my part for the environment and always try to keep my footprint light. But, as we all know, going organic often comes with a hefty price tag! I wanted to create designs for outwear that's eco-friendly and affordable.

This brand is thoughtfully curated for those who deserve the best—premium quality, unique designs, and a commitment to sustainability, all crafted just for you.